Improvements to look and feel of reference guides coming soon

We strive to continuously improve our Workday training and reference materials to make it easier and faster to find the information employees need. In response to community feedback from the recent Training and Communications survey and several workgroups, we’re making improvements to the look and feel of Workday reference guides, beginning May 2024.

These improvements help reference guides to be more readable and accessible by:

  • Making individual steps easier to identify and read with the use of bordered windows and brighter, bolder numbering.
  • Providing better flow and distinction between text instructions and images.
  • Adding a Quick Start section to the top of longer guides that provides a quick overview of the steps involved in the process.
  • Separating larger guides into smaller, more-focused guides where appropriate. This improvement also enables direct access to these guides from Workday as we roll out the Quick Tips in-process help in select Workday actions.

The process of updating all Workday reference guides to include these formatting changes will take place over the year, with our priority being the top 75 most viewed guides and those guides being updated for major Workday feature updates such as the new Absence Calendar experience.

You can view the first updated reference guide here.

To learn about the three-ways you can find the reference guide you need, review this Tips & Tricks post.

We’ll continue to provide updates regarding the progress of these improvements in the Workday Digest.

Questions? Reach out at the Workday Service Desk