Workday Digest

Want to know what’s going on with Workday and other Modernization projects? Stay informed with the latest news and updates, delivered monthly, right to your inbox.

Did you know?

  • WSU’s Workday Digest is seen as a gold-standard for communicating Workday news, feature updates, and upcoming events by other higher education institutions implementing Workday.

What You Get In the Digest

The Workday Digest delivers critical updates, known issues, and the latest news about Workday and related projects every month. Regular content includes:

  • Latest news on finance, grants, and human resources functionality and processes
  • Reports that have been updated during the month
  • Reference guides and training materials updated during the month
  • Upcoming events such as live training sessions and office hours
  • Any issues and resolutions that occurred during the month

Looking for the old Modernization Newsletter? While we’re no longer publishing it, historical newsletters can be found on the website’s Archive page.