Elevating Cougs

Elevating Cougs for HR Partners: at a glance

WSU uses Workday to manage finance, payroll, grants, and human resources functions across the university. In Workday, human resources is referred to as Human Capital Management, or HCM. HCM functions in Workday cover all aspects of an employee’s lifecycle, from applying for jobs, hiring, compensation, time and leave, position changes, and separation and retirement. In […]

Categories: Elevating Cougs, Workday

What are soft skills, and why do they matter?

The past three years have transformed the way we work, requiring each of us to navigate remote work, new technology, and increase our tolerance to constant change. Success in this new workplace dynamic requires more than just the technical skills that employees may have historically relied on. Attributes known as “soft skills” are becoming more […]

Categories: Elevating Cougs, Workday

Workday Success Stories: Effort Certification sees dramatic improvement since launch

Since the launch of Workday in 2020, we’ve been keeping track of the ways our new system has changed how we work at WSU. As a testament to the hard work and perseverance of WSU staff and faculty, we are excited to launch a new series, Workday Success Stories. These stories highlight the measurable improvements […]

Categories: Uncategorized

Elevating Cougs: Workday Success Stories track focuses on getting the most from Workday

The Workday Success Stories track at Elevating Cougs 2023 offers the opportunity to hear from your WSU peers as they share proven best practices and success stories to help you get the most from Workday. If you perform tasks in finance, human resources, grants management, or payroll, we encourage you to register for sessions in […]

Categories: Workday

Elevating Cougs: Developing as a Coug track focuses on personal development

The Developing as a Coug track at Elevating Cougs 2023 offers expanded professional and personal development for Faculty, Administrative Professional, and Civil Service employees. With an emphasis on “soft skills,” sessions in this track offer valuable knowledge and insight for any WSU employee, at any level, regardless of their job duties. Employees who attend sessions […]

Categories: Workday

Elevating Cougs: Leading as a Coug track focuses on improving and advancing as a leader

The Leading as a Coug track at Elevating Cougs 2023 provides opportunities for WSU employees who want to expand their leadership and team development toolbox.  Sessions in this track are designed for WSU employees who lead others at any level, including managers, supervisors, and department administrators. If you’re interested in advancing as a leader, or […]

Categories: Workday

Save the date! Elevating Cougs conference coming October 2023

Modernization and HRS’ Learning & Organizational Development are excited to announce the first Elevating Cougs conference, coming October 19 & 20, 2023. Elevating Cougs is a two-day virtual conference offering professional development and educational opportunities across three unique tracks and over 30 sessions, including: Workday Success Stories Users across WSU, the Modernization Team, and central […]

Categories: Workday