Updated PI Dashboard draws significant increase in users

Dashboard GRA Principal Investigator has generated around triple the typical usage of its predecessor since it’s launch 8 weeks ago, following the implementation of a variety of new worklets intended to better meet the needs of research faculty. Learn more about these changes here.

The previous version of the dashboard for Principal Investigators (PIs) saw average traffic of 400-500 uses per month. Since May 17, the new dashboard has been run 1,923 times by 304 unique users.

181, or 60%, of these users hold the Grant Principal Investigator (PI) role in Workday, representing 18% of all PIs at WSU. While this number is encouraging, Modernization hopes that even more PIs will incorporate Dashboard GRA Principal Investigator into their grant management practices.

PIs interested in learning to how to use Dashboard GRA Principal Investigator to support their grant activities are encouraged to review the following resources:

Modernization would like to thank those who contributed to the development of Dashboard GRA Principal Investigator. We’d also like to thank the PIs and Grant Managers who have used Dashboard GRA Principal Investigator since it’s launch, including Dr. Rui Liu, a PI from the CAHNRS Prosser IAREC, who has run the dashboard 90 times since its release!

For more news and updates about improvements to grants management in Workday, visit the Grants News page on the Modernization site. Questions or concerns? Reach out at the Workday Service Desk.