Improved PI Dashboard now live

Improvements to the existing PI Dashboard, “Dashboard GRA Principal Investigator,” are now live. These improvements are in response to Principal Investigator (PI) and Area Finance Officers (AFO) feedback regarding the need for faculty to be able to view state account and grant balances in a single convenient location. Learn more about these changes here.

Principal Investigators are encouraged to attend an upcoming training session, which will take place May 30, to learn more about using the improved PI dashboard. For further details and to register for the session, visit Percipio.

The Grants team would like to thank those who contributed to the development of these improvements, including the Grants Reporting Workgroup, as well as 8 Principal Investigators (PIs) representing 6 different colleges from across WSU.

Questions or concerns regarding changes to the PI Dashboard may be submitted to the Workday Service Desk.