Year over Year Financial Comparison Reports now available

We’ve expanded on the most frequently run report in Workday, CR FIN Sources and Uses Summary, and introduced two new financial reports that allow you to compare financial data to past periods.

Both reports function like the existing Sources and Uses report, with the addition of data from previous years based on the Period and Time Period prompts you select.

Here’s more about each new report:

CR FIN Sources and Uses with Last Year Summary

This report displays two years of data by using the values from the Period and Time Period prompts, then adding one extra year. For example, if the selected Period prompt is in FY24, the report will also display FY23 data in new columns. 

A screenshot of the Period and Tine Period prompt in the report CR FIN Sources and Uses with Last Year Summary.
A screenshot of the results displayed in the report CR FIN Sources and Uses with Last Year Summary.

CR FIN Sources and Uses with Last 4 Years Summary

This report displays the values from the Period and Time Period prompts, then adds four extra years, allowing you to view a total of five years of data. For example, if the selected Period prompt is in FY24, the report will also populate FY23, FY22, FY21, and FY20 to display a total of five years of financial data.

Learn more about how to run and use the report CR FIN Sources and Uses Summary in this reference guide.

Questions? Reach out at the Workday Service Desk.