Verify scheduled hours per week for hourly workers

Scheduled hours per week, which calculates into FTE, should be accurately reflected on each person’s record, for each of their positions, for all faculty and staff, non-permanent scheduled and non-scheduled, as well as, professional hourly and students.

While this value already impacts decisions made in Workday, including benefits eligibility, it has recently begun being utilized for calculations to project payroll expenses on grants within Workday Adaptive Grants Forecasting.

Additionally, Workday includes a worker’s FTE in salary cap calculations; therefore, if the worker is paid on a DHHS grant which is subject to a salary cap, and works significantly more hours than their expected or scheduled hours (FTE), it’s possible for some of their pay to be treated as over the salary cap, and charged to their default worktags instead of the grant. 

Given the critical nature of this data, it is recommended that units verify their scheduled hours per week (FTE) values for all non-permanent non-scheduled and professional hourly personnel, as well as, to update the scheduled hours per week (FTE) for these, and all other, personnel who experience significant changes in their schedules on an ongoing basis.

Questions may be submitted via the Workday Service Desk.