Paylock checklist and resources

Payroll cutoff can be a busy, and sometimes hectic, time for departments. Payroll Services and Modernization have developed resources to help departments prepare for payroll cutoff, reducing stress and confusion related to payroll tasks.  

Learn more about planning and executing a successful payroll cutoff by reviewing the How to Make Payroll Cutoff Stress Free session from Elevating Cougs. You can also find helpful guidance about payroll cutoff in the Paylock Checklist for Departments reference guide, including a list of actions to take before, during, and following paylock.

To help payroll staff access paylock guidance quickly and easily, we’ve added the Paylock Checklist guide to the Workday for Payroll and Managers training pages on the Modernization website.

Questions about payroll cutoff? Reach out at the Workday Service Desk.