Payroll lock moved to 11 am, Nov. 3

As of 2:30 pm, members of the WSU community are able to access Workday, following an announcement from Workday that access to the majority of customer tenants was restored. 

Employees are welcome to begin logging in to the system to resume activities. 

Payroll Services has determined payroll lock will now occur at 11 am Friday, November 3. Please refer to the Paylock Checklist for Departments for guidance regarding tasks that need to be completed before, during, and after paylock.

If you need to enter time on behalf of hourly employees who may be unable to do so ahead of the new payroll lock time, please follow the steps provided in the following guides:

If you have pay-impacting transactions outside of time entry, please contact your departmental payroll staff.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this Workday outage. Any further details will be provided via the Payroll listserv and on the Known Issues page.