
Issue Resolved: Some portions of gift revenue in endowed gifts should not have been reclassified

Known Issue: Some portions of Gift Revenue in Endowed Gifts should not have been reclassified from Ledger 4500 to 4510. We have corrected this issue. Estimated Time to Resolution: Resolved Details: Last week we became aware of an issue with gift revenues, which we have resolved. Beginning balances for gifts are now correct, and the […]

Categories: Uncategorized

Issue Resolved: Accounting Update

Known Issue: Modernization has completed updating several ledgers for gifts and restating our accounting transactions for the period of July 1-December 31, 2020. Estimated Time to Resolution: Resolved Details: Read more about this issue here.

Categories: Uncategorized

Accounting Update

We want to give you a heads-up about a few changes you’ll see to some accounting transactions in Workday. We have two ledger corrections for gifts requiring updates:

Categories: Uncategorized