Change to SPS and PI Award Budget to Actuals dashboard

As of June 28, Dashboard GRA SPS Award Budget to Actuals and Dashboard GRA PI Award Budget to Actuals have been combined into Dashboard GRA Award Budget to Actuals. This dashboard is the first to be combined in a new effort to consolidate Sponsored Programs Services (SPS) and Principal Investigator (PI) versions of Workday reports.

The consolidation of these dashboards ensures that research administrators and PIs are using the same dashboard and seeing the same data, as well as helps cut down on confusion for users by reducing the number of reports with similar names.

Following the consolidation, the worklets and tabs within the dashboard have not changed, and the reports return the same results as previously.

The landing page for the SPS version now displays a message that the dashboard has been relocated with a link to the new location. Users are encouraged to update any favorites, shortcuts or links to the new dashboard.

The link to the PI version of the dashboard has not changed, but now displays the new consolidated dashboard landing page.

Questions regarding this change may be submitted via the Workday Service Desk.