Update to labeling of Remote/Hybrid Job Posting Location information

To better support clear candidate communication and recruiting reporting, the Job Posting Location used in Workday Recruiting formerly called “Remote/Hybrid Work Options Available” will now be labeled as “Hybrid.”

HRS has reviewed active job postings and worked with departments to update Remote/Hybrid job posting locations as appropriate.

For new recruitments, departments will be able to select the Job Posting Location(s) that best meet the needs of their position: Remote, Hybrid, or both. If a job allows for both Remote and Hybrid options, please select both options in the Job Posting Location fields. Be sure to further clarify the nature of the remote and/or hybrid work location(s) in the Additional Job Description section of the Job Requisition.

We’ve updated the Create, edit, or Close Job/Evergreen Requisition reference guide to include this change to Job Posting Location information. HRS is available to assist with any questions or advice on how to communicate Remote and/or Hybrid work options in the Job Requisition. Reach out to hrs.recruitment@wsu.edu.