Handling prematurely closed Spend Authorizations

We’ve developed new guidance on how to proceed when a Spend Authorization is prematurely closed that includes an outstanding cash advance balance, and additional expenses need to be submitted towards this cost.

Once a Spend Authorization is closed in Workday, it cannot be reopened. If a Spend Authorization is closed prematurely, users should create a new Spend Authorization to submit additional expenses, referencing the original Spend Authorization.

This new reference guide provides information on how to process an additional Spend Authorization with a Cash Advance request to allow for additional expense reporting on an inaccurate/prematurely closed original document.

When submitting a new Spend Authorization for the purpose of clearing advance funds on a prematurely closed Spend Authorization, please work directly with the Central Payments Team for awareness, approval and processing.

For information concerning how to submit a Spend Authorization please see Create, Approve, Change, or Close a Spend Authorization.

Questions? Reach out at the Workday Service Desk.