Catching up with the Modernization Team 

In this month’s round-up of new resources, the Modernization Team is excited to introduce a new concept, web page, and shareable handout.


The new concept for the month is delegation. It is a tool used in Workday to allow employees to shift tasks to another employee for efficiency or during a time of absence or leave. This YouTube video is in Q&A style, which answers the main questions about delegation.

Security Roles web page 

Once it’s time to begin training for Workday, each WSU employee will be assigned one or more security roles to provide access to appropriate data and tasks. This new web page introduces some of the potential security roles you may be assigned, as well as a description of their responsibilities.

5 Major Changes for procurement 

This shareable handout highlights 5 changes coming to procurement when WSU transitions to Workday in January. For example, one of the changes includes a new function that allows mass-closing of purchase orders.

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