Security roles and role-to-position mapping

As the Modernization Team works hard to implement the new finance, payroll, and human resources software, Workday, new terms are important to define to make the transition smooth for WSU employees.

To ensure employees can access data and reports and perform business functions, Workday uses security roles to manage who can access which functions. Security roles are similar to what is known as “permissions.”

What exactly are security roles?

Currently, WSU employees are given access to information based on the individual. With Workday, access to this information will be based on the person’s role at WSU. One employee can have multiple security roles.

Workday has many security roles. Here are some examples:

  • All WSU employees will be able to view leave balances, request time off, update emergency contacts, and more. This role is called Employee As Self, and these actions are Employee Self-Service activities.
  • WSU employees who have direct reports are classified as Managers in Workday. They can review and approve time-off requests and perform other supervisory functions.
  • Another role is Cost Center Manager. This role can approve financial business processes, assign cost allocations, access accounting reports, and more.
  • WSU employees in departments who perform HR functions are called HR Partners in Workday. Employees with this role will be able to create new positions and job assignments.

Modernization Team members meet with area leaders at role-to-position mapping workshops.

How would you define role-to-position mapping?

Role-to-position mapping is the process of connecting employees to the role they need to have to be able to perform their jobs. Think of it this way: security roles are different hats you wear while using Workday, but you always remain in the same position. You can easily put on a different hat to fit your needs, or even multiple hats. When an employee leaves their position, their hats stay with the position.

The Modernization Team is working to make sure WSU positions align correctly with the assigned Workday security roles.

For more information, watch this short video, or view this guide.

Written by Madysen McLain