Issue: Asset conversions

Known Issue: When we converted the Property Inventory from legacy systems to Workday, we used the funding Budget-Project to crosswalk the Coordinating Cost Center for the Workday asset. We’ve learned that this caused issues with assets that were ever transferred from their original department.

Estimated Time to Resolution: Mid-May.

Details: The Modernization Team and Controller’s Office are working to update the Coordinating Cost Center on the Workday assets by crosswalking the legacy department using the OBIEE crosswalk XW_Accounts. This will move the assets from the wrong College or Area, but may not move them to the exact Cost Center desired by departments. Once the initial move is completed, the Business Asset Tracking Specialist in the departments can edit the Coordinating Cost Center to move the asset to the cost center they want.

We are planning to have the work completed by mid-May. We will publish any updates to the Known Issues page and link back to this post.