What are integrations anyway?

Workday will replace many of our current systems. Since some processes will still take place outside of Workday, they may require an integration between that system and Workday.

An integration is the shift of data between two systems. Integration connects Workday with an external system to ensure consistent information is shared while also automating workflow.

Integrations allow Workday to retrieve data from an external system to use in other transactions. An integration is different from a manual transfer of information because integrations can be scheduled or done automatically.

We’ll have many integrations between Workday and external systems. Visa integration is one of them.

Credit card transactions will be integrated because Workday cannot know credit card information on its own. Workday must integrate information from other systems like Visa or Mastercard.

Currently, when a purchasing card cardholder makes a transaction, the transaction is processed and ends up in JP Morgan’s PaymentNet.

Purchasing card reconcilers reconcile the transactions from PaymentNet. Accounts Payable then downloads and posts them to ledger accounts in our current system – AIS BALANCES.

With Workday, credit card transactions will be integrated. Therefore, Accounts Payable will not have to manually pull in transactions from an outside system every day. The integration will bring in the information automatically.

To reconcile their transaction, users will go into Workday to look at the transaction and input worktags or other information. Adding worktags improves reporting capabilities in Workday. Worktags will help us track, analyze, and manage transactions holistically.

The automatic process also eliminates the need for manual import.

Integrations will serve to streamline processes while maintaining the consistency of data between other systems and Workday.

For more information on worktags, visit our Foundation Data Model page.

To learn more about which systems will be replaced by Workday, visit the Impacted Systems page.