Testing update: One week, 834 scenarios

End-to-end testing (E2E) of the Workday system for WSU is in full swing. Modernization Team analysts and guest testers from the WSU community have joined forces to examine Workday from top to bottom. They’ll run through more than 3,000 comprehensive test scenarios for all areas including grants management, finance, human resources, and payroll to ensure the data and business processes in the system function as designed and produce the anticipated results.

The first week of E2E started on December 9, 2019. With 13 sessions of about 10 people per session, testers completed 834 scenarios in Workday for WSU.

WSU and Deloitte analysts will continue E2E testing each week until User Acceptance Testing (UAT) begins in April 2020. 

Learn more about testing here.

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