Guiding Principles
The Guiding Principles are a set of key statements and ideas that drive how elements of the project will be designed, implemented, and operated. They are guard rails, which help to ensure key decisions and solutions remain consistent, defined, and driven toward the project’s Mission & Goals, and to prevent deviations that may introduce risk to the project timeline and budget.
Key Principles
Thoughtfulness Around Impact
Use change management and strategic communications to engage and inform the entire WSU community throughout the project.
Empowered Decision-Makers
Bring together key leaders from across the university to represent the community. Empower them to make the best decisions for WSU.
Self-Service First
Access and analyze information in real time to provide transformational support and data analytics for research, instruction, decision-making and outreach.
Future First
Design the system with our future needs in mind, not only today’s.
Flexibility and Adaptability of Business Processes
Let’s design for simplicity, user-friendliness, and efficiency.
Streamline Processes
Develop a standard way of operating that will provide consistency and connection to help us work together effectively.
Design processes to be user-centric, with users in mind. Move away from designing for Finance and HR; shift focus to user needs and design processes from a user’s point of view.
Inclusivity and Accessibility
The Modernization Initiative is committed to inclusivity and accessibility, through outreach, training activities, and materials.
Workday First
Our chosen set of solutions is robust and meets our needs. Look to it first, not outside it.
Configuration Replaces Customization
The technology is designed to support our operational needs, both now and in the future, and won’t require unique customization, only configuration.