Pre-Launch Data Cleanup

Data Cleanup Strategy

Workday enables us to streamline business processes and improve decision-making through consolidated and trusted data.

Prior to and following the launch of Workday in January 2021, it’s critical our data be as accurate and up-to-date as possible. WSU’s old systems contained a significant amount of data that needed to be updated, cleaned up, or inactivated before conversion. The Modernization team partnered with Information Technology Services (ITS), Human Resource Services (HRS), Controller’s Office, and Purchasing Services to develop automated procedures and implement short-term process solutions to clean up data and prepare for data conversion.

Cleanup Activities

Pre-launch data cleanup efforts involved budget projects, funds, programs, objects, sources, purchase orders, blanket orders, payment requests, vendors, and effort certifications.

Business analysts on the Modernization Team:

  • Worked with Sponsored Programs to identify and automate budget project inactivation procedures. 
  • Identified duplicate and dormant vendor records and inactivated them.
  • Are working with General Accounting to identify dormant budget projects, funds, programs, sources, and objects.
  • Cleaned up unscheduled payment requests.
  • Worked with ITS to deploy a process in AIS to close purchase orders or blanket releases that had been open for more than 24 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is important that the data in existing systems is as accurate and up-to-date as possible to enable a smooth transition to Workday.

As part of the data conversion activities, a substantial amount of information will need to be entered and loaded into Workday from the existing mainframe AIS applications and other ancillary systems.

Cleaning up records reduces the number we’ll have to convert and move into Workday.

We are starting data cleanup efforts relatively early because it gives us the chance to get department feedback and have a more controlled data conversion, making sure it’s as smooth and clean as possible.

If you have feedback or questions, please email