The recent creation of a new cost center capped WSU at the current numbering structure limits for this hierarchy. As a result, we’re renumbering the program hierarchy to accommodate continued growth, while also enhancing the coding to connect with related cost centers. The new structure includes “PGH” followed by 5 numbers. In this structure, the […]
The CCZ is an alternative cost center hierarchy designed to assist in reporting across the WSU system, regardless of campus or location. It helps connect similar activities across the WSU system and security roles are not assigned, nor is it intended to reflect ownership of funds. Learn more about how and where the CCZ is used in […]
We’ve created a new cost center hierarchy to help map our data for HelioCampus. HelioCampus helps colleges and universities measure and evaluate their effectiveness in fulfilling their mission by connecting investments with financial and student learning outcomes. Adding the new hierarchy, CCXnnnn Washington State University HelioCampus Reporting, is a key step as we onboard with […]
Known Issue: The process to pay hourly employees with different funding sources in Workday was not working as expected, so these employees have been paid from their costing allocation funding source instead. We recommend following the guidance in this matrix to ensure that hourly employees with different funding sources are being paid from the right one. Estimated Time […]
Certain Funds and Functions in Workday shouldn’t be used together because of state accounting rules. This Friday, October 1, we’re updating Workday to prevent incompatible worktag combinations from being assigned to business process transactions.
We want to clarify details about routing some transactions for approvals: When an initiator on a transaction that uses two worktags is also the only manager for approving the transaction on at least one of the worktags, the approval routes to both of the Area Finance Officers (AFOs) connected to the worktags. This information isn’t […]
Known Issue: The process to pay hourly employees with different funding sources in Workday is not working as expected, so these employees are being paid from their costing allocation funding source instead. This impacts student-hourly employees. Estimated Time to Resolution: Unknown
If you haven’t had a chance yet to review financial data converted from legacy systems to Workday, now is a great opportunity to do so and still get the Modernization Team’s direct help with making any corrections. Common things to watch for include accounts being in the wrong cost center or missing a program.
With the implementation of Workday starting in July 2020, Washington State University’s previous Chart of Accounts will become the Foundation Data Model, or FDM. The FDM is the structure for transaction processing and reporting for Workday. The new model makes it easier to view financial and human resources data, all in real-time.
Over the last two months, the Modernization Team has been working with key University stakeholders to collect data, document existing financial, human resource and payroll processes, and began preliminary efforts to capture financial and operational management reporting needs across the institution.